
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started


Upon provision of required personal details, and payment of appropriate fee(s), individuals become members of the Association (see section 6 of the Constitution). Such members may compete in sanctioned VTI events and competitions and are members of Volleyball Australia (aka Australian Volleyball Federation).

Insurance cover - public liability, professional indemnity and personal accident - forms part of the benefits provided by VTAS and VA. Further information, including claim forms, can be downloaded from provider AON here.

Members may also be able to access financial assistance to attend courses, training camps and events as a facilitator, coach, referee or player. Historical information on our grants page


Policy information including use of images/media

Various organisational policies shall be strictly upheld. These include Privacy, Member Protection and Juniors. For full documentation, go to our policies page

The use of images/media that include a member or members (especially junior members) is limited to sanctioned, appropriate volleyball activities. If you see an image on this website, or any printed or social media platform managed by Volleyball Tasmania, that you feel breaches Volleyball Australia's Member Protection Policy, please report it to us immediately. 


Ticket To Play - Tasmanian Government initiative

Ticket to Play provides vouchers towards membership for children aged 5-18 years and listed on a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card or in Out of Home Care. You can use a valid voucher code to register when using our online system below. Learn more about Ticket to Play


Veteran Wellbeing Voucher Program - Tasmanian Government Initiative


We Support