Sporting Schools
Sporting Schools is a $320 million Australian Government initiative designed to help schools to increase children’s participation in sport, and to connect children with community sport.
Volleyball Tasmania is excited to grow children’s lifelong love of sport, and in an effort to do so we have partnered with the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) to get kids active, engaged, and having fun through the Sporting Schools program.
We are excited to be a part of this sporting journey and to be working closely with Australia’s primary schools, teachers, coaches and parents to nurture the next generation’s commitment and love of volleyball now, and into the future. To arrange a session, please fill out our booking form and contact us for more info.
Benefits of Volleyball:
- Inclusive of all cultres, abilities and genders
- An accesible sport - any surface (oval, grass, hall, beach), anywhere, anytime
- Can be played by both male and female
- Non-contact sport
- Minimal equipment
- The court size and net height can be adjusted to accomodate players skill level
- The popularity of volleyball in schools with the largest high school sporting tournament in teh southern hemisphere
Min. $80 a session (45 - 60 minutes) + GST
Travel will also be calculated to compensate our coaches
How to book a Sporting Schools Program
Sporting Schools has developed an Online Schools Portal for schools to make booking requests for their Sporting Schools program.

Schools use the system to
- search and compare Sporting Schools packages that meet their school’s needs.
- end NSOs and coaching provider’s real time, electronic notifications of their booking requests: and/or
- nominate for teacher-delivered sport packages
More information on booking a sporting schools program
Information for Coaches
As a coach you are able to deliver a volleyball program in Sporting Schools by:
• Registering as a coach with Volleyball Tasmania (email:
• Hold a current Volleyball coaching qualification or complete the Foundation Coaching Course, including the Play by the Rules modules
• Become a member of Volleyball Tasmania
• aged 16 years and over
• have a state/territory Working With Vulnerable People Check (WWVP) relevant to your nominated delivery location. See the Play by the Rules website for state/territory WWVP fact sheets
Indoor Volleyball Schools Cup
Beach Volleyball Schools Cup