Hobart Social League
Hobart Social League
Open age social volleyball competitions based in Hobart.
Mixed Gender Divisions
Tuesday 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, Elizabeth College: Div1 / Div2 / Div3 depending on entries.
Thursday 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, Elizabeth College: Div1 / Div2 / Div3 depending on entries.
Rules will be enforced as per FIVB rule book, and appropriate leniency based on division, with the following exceptions:
- Gender balance for div1 is maximum 4 males on court unless exception is granted
- Gender balance for div2 and div3 is maximum 3 males on court unless exception is granted
- No uniform requirement
- Unlimited substitutions
- An incomplete team will not be penalised for rotation (i.e. won't lose a rally for a missing player)
- Any play deemed dangerous (e.g. hard spike hit toward a beginner) will be sanctioned with loss of rally and a warning
2025 Autumn Social League
The 2025 Autumn season will run from 11 February - 13 May (Tuesdays, EC) and 13 February - 15 May (Thursdays, EC)
Each team captain will receive an invoice for the season fees up front and all team members must hold a current Volleyball Tasmania membership. (Note: membership year expires 31 March)
Past competitions:
2024 Spring Hobart Social League (EC)
- TUE Div1 Sets Pistols def. FNT & Div2 Toasted Scandwiches def. Le Bleu
- THU Div1 Chewblocka def. Just The Tip & Div2 Comeback Kids def. Little Yellow Diggers
2024 Winter Hobart Social League (EC)
- TUE Div1 Keen As def. Sets Pistols & Div2 Spike Wazowski def. Le Bleu
- THU Div1 Just The Tip def. Melon & Div2 Kiss My Ace def. Comeback Kids
2024 Autumn Hobart Social League (EC)
- TUE Div1 Six Pack def. Keen As & Div2 Send It def. Toasted Scandwiches
- THU Div1 Melon def. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds & Div2 Kiss My Ace def. The Eclairs
2023 Spring Hobart Social League (EC)
- TUE Div1 Sets Pistols def. Six Pack & Div2 Snugglers Black def. Snugglers Orange
- THU Div1 Just The Tip def. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds & Div2 Comeback Kids def. ESB
2023 Winter Hobart Social League (EC)
- TUE Div1 Sets Pistols def. The Gators & Div2 Get Diggy With It def. Keen As
- THU Div1 Just The Tip def. Melon Bummers & Div2 Comeback Kids def. Serves You Right & Div3 Too Many Weetbix def. Roaring Forties