Boss Volleyball Club

About Us

Boss Volleyball Club is the only remaining foundation club of volleyball in Tasmania, established in the 1960's and managed for many years by life member Rod Scott and a dedicated group of established and new Australians (some with good European pedigree). Club logo and brand centres on birds of prey: from the graceful but deadly Eagle to the swift surprise attack of the Hawk, from the fast-paced nimbleness of the Falcon to the wide-winged, ravenous Vulture: watch out for those Boss players!

Our core values include fun, fitness, friendship and maybe a little competitiveness... We have men's teams competing Southern League across all 3 divisions and a women's squad that also competes where numbers allow. Representation at State League is also a main focus for development, and our squads include a number of players who have represented Tasmania at junior and/or senior level. 


Alcy Dechandt Filho, Kai Ibbott, Greg Anderson, Mandy Ibbott

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