About Us

Boss Volleyball Club is the only remaining foundation club of volleyball in Tasmania, established in the 1960's and managed for many years by life member Rod Scott and a dedicated group of established and new Australians (some with good European pedigree). Club logo and brand centres on birds of prey: from the graceful but deadly Eagle to the swift surprise attack of the Hawk, from the fast-paced nimbleness of the Falcon or Osprey to the wide-winged, ravenous Vulture: watch out for those Boss players!
Our core values include fun, fitness, friendship and maybe a little competitiveness... We have men's and women's teams competing in each division of Southern League and State League in 2024. Representation at State League is also a main focus for development, and our squads include a number of players who have represented Tasmania at junior and/or senior level.
Alcy Dechandt Filho, Kai Ibbott, Greg Anderson, Mandy Ibbott
LFD Sports Massage & Training
TDH Hairdresser
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