Have you heard? Official rule changes in volleyball have been approved at the FIVB World Congress!
So what has changed, you ask? Will it impact my club?
Answer: all Tasmanian competitions that use FIB rules will adopt the following changes immediately - for all competitions commencing in 2025 and beyond. Any local exception MUST be clearly noted in the relevant competition by-laws or regulations.
- Rule 7.4 (Positions) - while the receiving team must be in correct rotational order at the point of service, players on the serving team are no longer restricted (i.e. they can stand anywhere on court)
- Rule 12.5 (Screening) - players on the serving team are not allowed to raise their hands above their heads until the ball crosses the net
- Rule 10.1 (Ball crossing the net) - a ball, sent into the opponent's free zone totally or partly outside the crossing space on the team's second or third hit, cannot be retrieved (i.e. if the ball ends up beyond the plane of the net in the opponent's free zone after the second or third hit, the ball is immediately out)
Volleyball Australia has released an explanatory video here; and you'll probably find other similar videos on Youtube if you are to search them up (example)
You can read more about the rules of volleyball, and download a copy of the latest rulebook in your preferred language, on fivb.com